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Product details
File Size: 8654 KB
Print Length: 592 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: O'Reilly Media; 1 edition (September 8, 2010)
Publication Date: September 8, 2010
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#989,517 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
Great introduction to Closure: explains the core concepts behind the why and the how of Closure without getting bogged down in the API details. Unlike many other technical books of the kind, this one can actually be read from start to finish and every chapter is well worth it. You'll learn the design principles and motivations behind the Closure compiler, the many ways you can lean on the compiler to help you manage your Javascript codebase, and also take a look under the hood to learn how to extend it and customize it for your own project.Of course, Closure is more than just the compiler, so you'll learn how to use Soy / Closure Templates, as well as many other supporting tools. At this time, the only large omission is Closure Stylesheets - likely released after the publication. If you're curious about Closure, or joining a project, which is using it currently, then this is your shortest path from zero to mastery.
Closure consists of the Closure compiler and a significant JavaScript library that includes containers and UI components, including a browser based editor.I have used this book only tangentially for the Closure library. The book has been a critical reference for customizing the Closure JavaScript to JavaScript compiler. The Closure Compiler is an extremely powerful platform for processing JavaScript. Using this book I was able to learn how to add passes to the compiler to produce customized JavaScript transformations.This book goes far beyond what I have found on the Web, so if you're going to work with the Closure compiler, this is an essential reference.
Out of date somewhat, but very indepth. Focus on the portions involving the compiler, they are still relevant. The library is pretty bad. The compiler is pretty good. Custom compiler passes is an extra step I did not expect and makes it worth the money.
Great book and THE only book on Closure. Worth it. Would be nice if it were updated a little.
This is definitive. This book covers it all and covers it very well. I am excited to get throught the book and start using Closure on mopre projects. This book is not for the JavaScript newcomer. It is best if you already have experience with other JavaScript libraries and are familiar with Unit Tests and feel comfortable with JavaScript since it is best to program specifically for the compiler you need to be aware of the differences.Over all it is a great book and a must for anyone who wants to take up Closure.
Helpful and detailed introduction to closure and java script. Good working examples and set up instructions. Excellent intro. Points out many important details. Worth re-reading.
I was surprised how good this book is! It is a worthwhile read even if you care little about the closure library just for the gems on JS design.
I really admire Michael Bolin, and his intelligence and experience. But this book doesn't have much you can copy into an editor and use. And it seems there's a lot in the book explaining what happens behind the scenes. I don't care about that, except that it's confusing to me to know whether he's explaining something I need to code, or whether Google already coded it like that and he's just explaining what it does. The book is the only one I've seen on this subject, so there are really no other choices. I just wish Google would get off their duff and write better external documentation. It should not be as hard as it is. It really shouldn't. In other words, this book, and using Google Closure is not for mediocre minds like mine.
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