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, by Bella Forrest
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Product details
File Size: 5110 KB
Print Length: 416 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Nightlight Press (February 9, 2017)
Publication Date: February 9, 2017
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#3,237 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
The Gender War by Bella Forrest has taken a turn from the last few books. The connection between Viggo and Violet has grown and they've begun to trust each other more than ever. However their disagreements with others can send them running for their lives. The pages are filled with action and difficult decision making that Violet has to sort through. WIth every step she has carried her determination and stubbornness that won’t let the future seem dark. Always looking forward, with their chins up high, Viggo and Violet stomped through the worst flames and never stopped. I really enjoyed the conflict in this book and the creative ways that they were solved. My favorite part of this book is the point of view and how every few chapters the perspective is changed from Viggo and Violet.Forrest, just like in her previous books, has continued to drag readers in with her interesting word choice and unusual inventions from the rivaling countries. Matris and Patris have been disturbed by the intruding of the outsiders that don’t believe a certain gender is better or more worthy than the other. The disturbance has caused many descriptive fights with horrendous results. The fights has formed allied groups, and the partnerships have rockey starts.Overall my favorite part of the book, The Gender War, is the relationships and bonds shared by characters. With every chapter the mood of the relationships change. From being friends to becoming enemies, Violet and the crew have felt it all. My most favored relationship is between Violet Bates and Viggo Croft, their heart throbbing love story grows throughout the book bringing more excitement to read the next one. To conclude I fully recommend The Gender War to any reader and readers who enjoy action and romance.
I have enjoyed the storyline but a couple things bug me. I don't like how Viggo is so submissive. He's a Patrian and a warden. Do you really think he wouldn't have more leadership skills? Also, everyone is taking directions from a girl who is 19-20 years old. She has the least experience of all the rebels. I liked Viggo's strong personality from the first book. He seems kind of wimpy and indecisive now.
This is the best book of the series (so far)!! I have pre-ordered the next installment and cannot wait to find out what happens next. This series is well thought out and though the first book begins rather slowly, by midway through the first book the pace quickens. The momentum gained carries through the remainder of the books, slowing just enough for the characters --and reader-- to catch their breath.Some MIGHT consider the next bits spoilers so I will pause a bit*****************************************I hope the King comes to his senses and sees Violet's value!!I know the next book is written, but am dearly hoping Viggo doesn't have to suffer anymore.I want to know how the embryo in the egg stays alive. The suspense is driving me crazy.
WHAT! YOU DO NOT END A BOOK LIKE THAT! I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS!I know I only have to wait two weeks for the next book, I've waited much long than that, but why? I need it right now because that ending was just awful (in a good way), and there's so much at stake and I just need to know that my babies are going to be okay. Is that too much to ask?The Gender War start off immediately where the last book left us. Violet and Viggo have been taken by the queen and now are being prepared for torture and then execution. They are both trying to figure out how to escape, but with the leader of the rebellion being a spy for the queen it looks as if there's no hope, but that doesn't mean they'll stop trying.We barely get a break throughout this book, it's just one intense scene after another and nobody is safe. My heart was pounding and I was screaming internally because at every moment my babies were being put in danger and if anything happened to them I would be cursing the author's name the rest of my life.The characters continue to be awesome and character development is mind blowing. I continue to love Violet and Viggo and their relationship, but I also love seeing the new character and how they have now weaved into Violet and Viggo's life. There are characters I didn't trust from the last books I love now, there are character I hate more and more with every appearance they make, and in then end there are even more on my list who must make it to the end.I love everything about this series and I need the next book in my hands right now because I need to know what has happened to my babies. That ending was so sad and so not promising for a happy ending. WHY? WHY? WHY?!The star rating got knocked down because of this one scene at the very ending I wasn't pleased with. At the very ending Violet is fight Tabitha and there's a guard trying to shoot Violet down. Tabitha wants Violet all to herself and rips the guys arm off. No, she didn't break it, she didn't dislocate it, she actually RIPPED THE WHOLE ARM OFF! This was really gritty and disturbing, I didn't think it was realistic or necessary and could have completely done without this scene. I would give this book a five star rating, but I couldn't with that scene, it was just too much.I would rate this 14+. Violence wise there was definitely enough of it, including at the very beginning Violet being tortured in a horrible way and the scene included above. This book is definitely not for the faint of heart, but is still an awesome book and I recommend to anybody who loves a great dystopian series.There's a couple of kissing scenes, but they aren't anything more than that and I believe at one point they kind of hint at wanting more.Awesome series and I'm anxiously awaiting the next book. March 31 can't come soon enough.
Interesting series although it is getting a bit too long and usually 3-4 books suits me better rather than waiting forever for the conclusion to the series. I will keep reading for now but the story gets a bit slow in places and the characters seem repetitive at times with their predictable behaviour. I stopped reading the Shade series after awhile as it just dragged on with no real story line just similar themes to previous books in the series.
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